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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Ok that was easy. Ginx went wild but when doesn’t he . And that’s ok . Enjoy the night and the snow otg and that’s coming .
  2. Yup hasn’t been any whining or anything close. Just folks resigning to a rat and asking for YTD snows vs normal . That’s it.
  3. Do you mind just answering the 3 questions friend?
  4. You just ask questions and they don’t answer
  5. What do you average per year ? And where are you YTD? How much are you expecting to finish with?
  6. What is your average and what do you have YTD.. and why so angry and confrontational about a simple statement??
  7. We wash vehicles , early spring cleanups , shoot hoops in driveway. Not what was wanted .. but once reality set in last month.. I made peace
  8. But let’s say you don’t get much more from here on out as models show the Feb inferno east of Mississippi .. how would the finals look? I honestly don’t know?
  9. If NNE is also done for the winter aside from upslope ..They’ll all finish WBN . The only difference is they had that one 7-10 period of snow that most south if NH dud not get
  10. Some folks knew to get the FOC out of dodge in early December. There were signs and reasons to worry then. I still remember posting how I was worried . I finally somewhat bought into the calls of a big , snowy December . But once that failed .. your gut tells you things wouldn’t work out. You simply cannot lose Dec and then Jan and now Feb
  11. Gradient winter . With everyone 40” below normal lol
  12. What was your final snowfall total this winter.. 19”?
  13. These cold shots always end in major warmups the next day . Steiney no likey
  14. Snowless winters like this are good for one thing. Little to no salt on roads so just wash, wipe down vehicles each week . Nice to have showroom floor vehicles in late Jan . Two down two to go
  15. Meanwhile it’s cloudy all the way back into WNY and WPA.
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