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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Most would take that Morch firehose storm from 2013. One of my favorite storms
  2. I don’t see this as being pasty. These fast moving clippers are typically powdery. It’s quite cold aloft . Should be fairly high ratio
  3. Beer? You should get a minimum of 6-8” there. And probably more
  4. Doubt it sticks to your main roads too much .. side streets it may . It’s fluffy . Enjoy
  5. It won’t stick on roads anywhere with furnace sun tomorrow and fluffiness of it. 2-4 border to border is a good call for now
  6. Can you imagine if that unlikely scenario happened. This place would absolutely implode . We’ll see if the GEFS even remotely resemble that
  7. Yeah no spiked balls yet to be sure. But good Sunkist vibes are flowing
  8. North trends are back after years being away .2-4” south of 90.
  9. Not much there to think a coastal can run into western SNE based on this setup . The block and next impulse out west should keep it either CC or east
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