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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. If you are anywhere west of the track you are going to pound snow .. ala GFS
  2. Looks good. Here come the east shifts the few folks that were left were expecting. More to come
  3. My point is It’s not tracking up the CTRV like the 84 hour Reggie . With such tight clustering across the board over the elbow or at least mid cape.. it’s going to snow west of that track
  4. Hard to believe you all are giving up on snow with this. When the inevitable last 36-48 hours east shuffles begin.. you’ll wish you hadn’t .
  5. Steady as she goes. Weebles wobbling with each op windshield wiper effect
  6. Enjoy the shadowing while we pound fatties and feet east and west of you
  7. Before everyone starts leaping and thinking rains to Maines.. remember the Messenger shuffle. They always happen with these the last 36-48 hours
  8. GFS drops 4-10” in CT. Probably a bit overdone in places
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