My dew is correct . Look at every other TOL site . You live in the woods and especially elevation. Dews always higher. Every TOL station currently is 74-77 . Except ORH of course which magically at high elevation runs lower
Yes spot on 3-5 too low based on all surrounding sites as usual. It’s temp too high as Will has stated and dews too Lee as we’ve proved. What a laugher . As you know elevations typically run with higher dews
Great example today of ORH dew sensor being way off. It’s been 3-6 degrees too low for several years. No one in the area even close to their dew reading. Lol
I don’t know understand why you don’t put in AC. What are you trying to prove? Like just install them and not worry about being hot. Is it some kind of badge of honor?
This reminds me of 2 summers ago with all the storms and dews and shrooms. Might get 10-15” this month if modeling is anywhere near close to correct. Lol