the potential is there to generate between 400 and 800 J/KG of
Cape. While that is a lot...we have extreme jet dynamics with
Bulk shear values on the order of 50 to 60 knots. In
addition...steep mid level lapse rates on the order of
7-7.5 C/KM will be advecting into the region...which is usually
a missing ingredient in southern New England. While the severe
weather threat is conditional depending on how much instability
we can generate...some of the machine learning probs from the
NCAR ensembles and Colorado State show some potential.
The main threat will be strong to damaging straight line wind
gusts...but some hail is possible given the steep mid level
lapse rates. In fact...even a low risk for a tornado given ample
0-1 KM helicity. Greatest risk for severe weather would be
across interior southern New England...but can/t rule out areas
further east given strong jet dynamics. If this does
happen...thinking more of a late show between 5 and 11 pm
Saturday evening.