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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. You hope everyone gets the message and installs. This comes with high dews too.
  2. Your area is coveted Nov- Mid Morch but after that Get the f out. Brutal . You want warmth , dews and sun
  3. Another furnace Thursday but hotter than today @Typhoon Tip
  4. All of SNE rips up to 70 Thursday afternoon away from water
  5. Saturday was warm and sunny from about 2:00 on. This looks similar but even warmer
  6. Yup.. and Wednesday won’t be as cold as NAM has either
  7. Mild to warm week this week will really move things along .
  8. Things greening up and growing nicely now . Maple trees not too far from slowly leafing out next 10-14 days
  9. This is going to be a wild evening for the area south of 90 right to E MA
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