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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. He just lives, breathes, eats , and sleeps drought
  2. Straight from winter brown to summer drought brown. No green up
  3. Just look at Arthur Brown and those devil guys playing guitar lol
  4. Hammer says summer is here to stay!
  5. If only we had gypsies this year. It would be a banner year with no rain the whole month .
  6. Swampy . Scooters gonna have trouble sleeping tomorrow nite
  7. Chris rotary in NH doesn’t like posts about beer or weed
  8. You hope everyone gets the message and installs. This comes with high dews too.
  9. Your area is coveted Nov- Mid Morch but after that Get the f out. Brutal . You want warmth , dews and sun
  10. Another furnace Thursday but hotter than today @Typhoon Tip
  11. All of SNE rips up to 70 Thursday afternoon away from water
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