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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Crystal clear blue skies ! Looks a too 10. Scooter is right ! Look how bright that sun is!
  2. I honestly have no clue what you are talking about. It is as thick as ever
  3. I had no issues breathing at all . It’s just wood smoke particulates
  4. Last few years they didn’t touch the peppers . Munks got a few ripe tomatoes but I took care of them . Pea plants were swallowed whole.. roots and all.
  5. I saw a rabbit last evening hopping around the yard that I’ve never seen before.
  6. What will happen in Simsbury along the river edge?
  7. Just went outside to sniff around. It legit smells like you’re sitting by a fire pit. Nudity
  8. HRRR has the smoke modeled to be worse than today tomorrow afternoon
  9. Potential for scattered showers? Thunder is nil this week . Monday is next shot
  10. I gotta say.. I really enjoy this smoke in the air. It’s something that is relatively rare and generates lots of discussion both here and just out in public. I was in RI all day today visiting accounts and everyone was excited about it .
  11. All I keep thinking is from the song Firestarter by Prodigy.. where the guy keeps going.. Inhale.. inhale.. inhale.
  12. I recall growing up in the 80’s.. there were large fires in West Virginia. In a SW flow regime.. and it was somewhat like today is .
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