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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I’ve seen pics of you stalking Runaway on the golf course. If it’s not you. It’s your doppelgänger
  2. How many do you guess? https://x.com/contentwxguy/status/1701696271965110413?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  3. Yes Steve .. that was the one . Thank you . I remember the wind and the damage . Just not the year. This looks close as modeled
  4. Not making a forecast 5 days out . What I see now in terms of huge gradient .. warm day and cold aloft.. it seems 50+ is possible for most locations . Need to see what slp is Fri morning
  5. I wish I could recall the storm . But there’s some other posters that have commented they remember it. All pressure gradient /mixing derived. Very similar
  6. Spinner threat pretty solid tomorrow . Wiz completely missing it lol
  7. With 50-60 gusts there sure is. Sit back and watch . Huge pressure gradient. We’ve seen these before. Envision a bunch of WTF posts on Saturday from folks about not expecting strong winds until too late
  8. There was a very similar setup in the 2000-2004 period . I don’t remember the exact year or cane. But we lived on n our first house here after getting married and there many 55-65 mph gusts and damage. Very similar setup . The caveat this year is how wet ground is. Lots of uproots
  9. Looking good! Great start to the season! https://x.com/foliagereport/status/1701604248344264883?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  10. Yup I’m making plans to head east . I may stop in S Wey to help him board up windows and secure loose objects Definitely jealous
  11. These west trends are not surprising and were expected. My suspicion is they’re not done yet
  12. https://x.com/eweather13/status/1701399537271603495?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  13. I expect to wake up to a “ significant “ west trend on most guidance tonight. Based off of EPS, cane models and the trogh dig, ridge strengthening and storm slowing that the globals only now .. and slowly at that.. will begin to pick up on.
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