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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. With warm SST’s, summer and no blocking warm front shouldn’t get jammed up
  2. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours. Sounds like a great man
  3. EPS has been consistent with a strong cane off Carolina coast days 9-10
  4. Even if it doesn’t once storms end it’s muggy and warm . 72 / 67 is not cold and raw lol. Your ac will be on
  5. Storms end by mid morning jete with sunny breaks. Should easily get into 70’s south of pike as warm front slips north
  6. We’ll see. Trough looks like it’s still over Lakes. With this post you will now set all the ACATT posters in motion. Nice job
  7. First run of the summer in pretty much wire to wire darkness. Blows
  8. Something is very suspicious. Had he been home .. posts would have been flying. Seems like he got home after storm was over
  9. Take in the veggies and things that can die. Fall imminent .. frost and leaves changing by end of month . Big big winter incoming
  10. Good luck on your summer ending turning to fall forecast next weekend. Lol. Just cold n dry .
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