The doubters may well look very very foolish . This is a very unique setup and all the pieces are there . When the big hurricane experts in the world are mentioning it’s got a decent shot .. you pay attention
There’s a fair chance it gets far enough west and avoids the area of upwelling . Of course it would still be a strong cane at our latitude . If it’s rocketing along at 45-50 Mph it won’t have time to weaken before LF. Could easily be a 2 or 3
Yet you and many here posted all summer about how much cooling bills were costing this summer because of the warmth and high dews . Charts FTL as usual . Good night
Oh I thought you meant you’d wake up and need to call 911 for a surgical sheet removal like a few of these posters who claim window fans and dehumidifiers keep the house chilly lol
20% of a direct hit at day 9. Not leaning toward a miss . Said cannot go higher than 20% hit at this distance . And he generally Poo poos everything in winter and tropics .
There’s no way you or anyone else knows how the pattern and storm track are going to evolve 9 days out. Right now anything is equally possible . And that is fact. No option is favored