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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Bumping something days later after models changed? Why not bump posts from Mets about enjoying a dry nice breezy Saturday in E MA then?
  2. Suddenly Monday has turned wet and stormy with a warm front/ cold front. Spinner threat on the warm front?
  3. Had no freeze here though lower spots in town did. Just a total dud of a season for many many reasons
  4. Yup. A ton of brown leaves on all species. It’s possible most species just brown out and drop. Around here we have absolutely zero color or change. It’s green/ brown . Typically by now you’ve got some change. Even the swamps browned out that are usually vibrant late Aug- early Sept
  5. Horrific foliage season enroute for all! https://x.com/jimsalgephoto/status/1702692939556606086?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  6. https://x.com/contentwxguy/status/1702740203469734286?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  7. Let’s see if we can take down a few of your White pines as this backs west last 24
  8. Ugly Saturday E MA for outdoor activities. Glad we here https://x.com/mattnbcboston/status/1702426162679754814?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  9. Wet day E areas https://x.com/mattnbcboston/status/1702303253021540801?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  10. That’s all fine and Jim Dandy. New driveway was just done . But weather boredom blows . I hate it
  11. Just complete boredom ahead. Absolutely no weather to look forward to
  12. It’s just a warm AN dry pattern devoid of dews. Not fall like .. but cooler nights . In sum… boredom
  13. Your struggles are well documented . There’s 175, 000 posts we can sort thru
  14. You have had a rough couple of weeks forecasting . Asked a sonnet today and you called flaccid . Is your genny ready ?
  15. I will officially end dew season as of tonight . Nigel will pump heights and dews for a time .. but the long warm , humid summer is over . One of my all time favorites though starting June 20th . Storms dews and warmth. Moving forward still AN thru early October with a bunch of 70’s near 80 minus the dews
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