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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Which the way the next 2 weeks looks.. might be it for awhile
  2. It’s a widespread couple of inches like the GGEM shows . Your GFS and Euro also had todays out to sea 3-4 days out . Enjoy today and Friday
  3. It’s another event like today’s. In a winter like this, you enjoy these . Another couple inches Friday and then it’s back to regularly scheduled programming next week.
  4. Seems like another event very much like today’s . 2-4/3-6 type thing. We take
  5. Last post in this due to a few tantrums thrown by posters.. but the use of the confused emoji has always meant that the poster was confused by what they posted and the person that clicks the confused face is not confused, but rather they are letting the poster know that they posted something that that they didn’t understand and were confused.
  6. It always amazes me the reactions the confused emoji gets when the poster is confused , and someone clicks the emoji to let the poster know that the poster was confused by his / her interpretation of data . Lol
  7. That was it . It was the last winter in our house in town here on the Green. There was big ice above 700’. I distinctly recall that modeled as snow until the morning of and we didn’t have a flake just all zr. I remember being shocked there was no sleet .
  8. There was a storm.. I know Will would remember.. Between 2001-2004 .. Walt was on the desk that day and I think it was a Saturday and pretty sure in January. All along leading up to it looked like snow with WSW up. That morning Walt noticed warming aloft and said there’d be little snow south of pike. And it turned out he was exactly right. We started as ZR and it ended up a pretty good icestorm locally. I am wondering if there are any similarities to this one?
  9. I think 3-6” is very likely . Maybe zrdz for an hour or two tomorrow before ending as snow . Nice thump overnight into morning
  10. My guess is we see the hi res Messenger shuffle east a bit this afternoon as usually happens . Keeping the aloft warming in SE NE
  11. I meant for a light to moderate event like tonight/ tomorrow. That’s really all this could have been to me anyway.
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