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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Have we ever seen something like that before?
  2. That radar is a thing of beauty. One of my all time favorite images
  3. I thought his wife was going to say there was a house full of women with boobs flopping around
  4. Wow 6th grade. As sick as your memory is I bet you could even remember what you were wearing that day and the who was sitting in front of you and how bad their back acne was. I was a year out of high school and in college..but was home for that weekend. I purposely came home for the storm lol
  5. I didn't know Ray got that much from that. Ryan I guess would have lost it.
  6. I recall the details of that storm like it was yesterday. That was probably the best valley screwjob in SNE history. It was amazing what every foot of elevation made in that storm. The next time one of those happens Ray would absolutley lose it
  7. You had some great winds though. Didn't they gust to or over cane force? At least it wasn't a total shutout. That is still one of my top 3 favorte SNE snowstorms.
  8. Dec 1992 is the storm of infamy . ORH got crushed with 36 inches. 16-22 in NE Ct.power out for days with tree damage to naked trees. with heavy rains and high wind for the coast of SNE. We need another one of those. The thing was crawling
  9. LOL..I remember that like it was yesterday. I had just driven home from my old job in Bristol and thought it might be snow in the hills...It wasn't.....
  10. It was an Ef0..little to no damage lol

  11. What's with the War and Peace post? Did Alex get ahold of your laptop?
  12. Why do all your posts have all these <<br>>>>> all over them?
  13. HFD got f'd in that commute too. People in my old office were stranded on 84 in Southington for 6+ hrs
  14. Look at sleet line approach MT Tolland..and never quite make it..pings got as far north as HFD to north of IJD
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