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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Looks great man. Grab a cold one and stare at it
  2. Looks great . Grab a beer and cheap up in outdoor shower!
  3. Yeah I think that’s the main issue, but it does get some , and it’s only in the last year that this has happened
  4. I didn’t mean to come across like that. I know very little about a lot . I’ve always had areas of moss and the grass has always managed to grow and sort of win out in the grand scheme of things. But the last year of wetness and maybe just not enough sunlight has left a huge area of my side lawn full of moss and the nice grass that had been there has all but vanished. It’s a bit of a slope so it does drain. I think erosion also may be washing some of the soil away and since it’s under Oaks, it just is finally succumbing. It’s not a super thick canopy. Some sunlight does get thru. It really bothers me. I guess I’ll wait until September, but it’ll bother me all summer.
  5. Yeah no thanks . We like solid IPA’s and doubles for 6-8 bucks
  6. It seems weird me asking advice. But the wet last year or so has transformed my shady area of lawn under Oak canopy into a moss playground. I have limed it so ph is fine. It’s just wet and not much sun. Should I get the moss killer and spread it do it turns black and rake it all out.? There’s a lot of it. And that would mean a core aeration and reseed of the area. Or should I just hit it with the moss killer fert and hope that works?
  7. I like that you are into the lawn. In days of yore, you’d scold us about lawns and enjoyed weeds.
  8. Yeah and no worries on paying . I can just send them up to you . I always just throw them into the woods . Remind me over the summer.
  9. I have a big , tall one in backyard that is on wood/lawn line. Squirrels knock them all down every Aug and Sept. But chew them just as fast. Occasionally I find whole ones in the grass below
  10. Last longer sure. The rest though meh. Personal preference
  11. Can’t fit enough and pain in azz to shovel, scoop.. and super time consuming
  12. Black mulch time of year. 20 bags done. Need to buy 20 more. $10 for 5 bags at Lowe’s
  13. Yes all lawns are greening .. buds on all species . Especially maples ... in the valley it’s much farther along. The forsythias are just beginning to bloom in the valley , and have a hint of yellow even here. Tulips are all up . Tiger Lily’s are breaking thru the soil etc... Spring is here
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