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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I’m not sure BDL got above 81 lol
  2. Couple things here . Can anyone maybe @tamarack verify this is that caterpillar that wipes out forests. These things are Everywhere. If you’re in a phone ..zoom in on it. It’s not a gypsy . They are very squiggly when they move. I’m def gonna lose this Oak. This is year three and it’s already worse than last 2. I was trimming hedges and saw this and ran . Yes I know gartner..Hate snakes
  3. The smoke killed the high temps though pike south was better
  4. I don’t think it’s nearly as wet this summer . You’d think a lot of Bermuda blues days with like 88/72,, but most of the storms staying out over PA/ NY up into VT while we are much drier. That’s what I’m envisioning
  5. Most of the seasonal stuff shows WAR along the east coast as we hit late June and beyond . Euro seasonal etc.. Until then though yes there will be some COC k
  6. Did you think it would stay cool and wet all summer with the ever present SE ridge just waiting to expand NW this summer like LR stuff shows?
  7. Warming signals continue on modeling mid- longer term . The wet cool siege is ending
  8. They have no idea what’s about to hit em. Let em wait lol
  9. Nah. We have those too. Actually this spring I have not seen their tents in the same small trees they’ve been in the last few years. There’s no blue markings on these and tents have blue. They didn’t do much to the Oaks the last 2 years. This is a new type I’ve never seen before . They are super squiggly when they move and crawl fast . Much faster than gypsies or tents .
  10. In all seriousness.. can any of the horticulturists identify this cat? In addition to gypsies these are everywhere. They are crushing every white Oak in the neighborhood. Every yard already has trees that look like this and it’s way early . Any idea what kind this is?
  11. I think I answered my own suspicion. I just zoomed in from standing underneath the tree and you can see all the new leaves already chewed and the holes and the dead stuff. If you are on your phone.. zoom in. This is the earliest they’ve hit. This is year 3, so it appears they’ve gotten the trees . Also see the blown down leaves with all the holes .
  12. @tamarack Here’s those 2 Oaks. You think it’s Gypsy kill? They only leafed out like this , this week or so
  13. Here’s a pic Scooter texted from his yard in South Weymouth today. I have some less leaves than this and will post later.
  14. Humid humid humid pattern by mid month as Atlantic ridging builds north . It’s last summa all over again folks.
  15. I def have some Oaks that are slowly dying from the gypsy damage the last 3 years. They’re eating again this year as the leaves coming down in wind already have holes eaten in them. But there are some white Oaks that have like very sparse leaves. Like no rhyme or reason to how they leafed out. I’ll get a picture this evening for you . I think maybe it has something to do with the wet last year or so
  16. I have the same issue. It’s specifically the white Oaks. I am chalking it up to gypsy damage from the past few years here, but perhaps it’s something else. Post a picture for him as I am not home .
  17. It’s been above normal the last few months
  18. Will Greatweenie 1717 and his fellow creeps actually show up to meet us? Will they talk to us?
  19. Lol. Thanks but what does that mean? I did have it marked on phone
  20. Is Wunderground radar down for other people? It’s been down for 2 days for me
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