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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Pics of the things you mentioned? and when you move COC k goalposts sure today’s 91 at official CT station qualifies
  2. It’s been a furnace everywhere for everyone in New England. And we haven’t touched the tip yet
  3. Runaway has been following him religiously. He’s saying it’s go time on furnace .
  4. Hey.. at least you get your super dry pattern . HHH can also bring drought and fire
  5. We’ve preached and warned them till we’re blue in the face. They’ve posted charts , fought it, pulled COC ks , but in the end ... Suddenly.... last summer
  6. Except it’s not. It’s a Davis . Check other TOL stations yesterday lad
  7. Anyone have the Euro qpf maps they can post thru day 10?
  8. Not sure what to tell you. I’m telling what the Davis said. Lowest during daylight yesterday was 64
  9. Dews down here stayed in the 60’s until very early this morning. Yesterday was quite sticky with mid-upper 60’s. When I got up to run at 4:15 this AM it was still 61. When I returned home at 5:20 it had dropped to 58 and I had noticed a north breeze kick up during the run .
  10. Every piece of guidance shows bigtime NE heat next week along with dews. I posted weeks ago I thought July would be + 4 to +5. I think has a great shot to verify
  11. After the14th? Where’s the dry dew siege? That’s a massive EC ridging. Probably fire danger in NNE
  12. Because you have 150,000 posts and are a met
  13. As Scooter has been preaching . Just wait till next week and beyond. The only dewdown we really had was today and tomorrow. Otherwise basically a straight thru shot
  14. BDL May have 2 or if not just missed a 2nd. Whole region has furnaced since like June 25
  15. Just calling for a lot of 90’s and high dews . It’s basically a repeat of last summer just not the rains we had . It’s just our new climate regime for summers .
  16. 6 of your next 10 days are in the 90’s lol. The summer you dread part deux minus the rains is upon us . Hunker in hypocrite!
  17. Post of the year. Thanks for bringing reality to this place. Enjoy the upcoming heatwave Jerry!
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