We’ve preached and warned them till we’re blue in the face. They’ve posted charts , fought it, pulled COC ks , but in the end ... Suddenly.... last summer
Dews down here stayed in the 60’s until very early this morning. Yesterday was quite sticky with mid-upper 60’s. When I got up to run at 4:15 this AM it was still 61. When I returned home at 5:20 it had dropped to 58 and I had noticed a north breeze kick up during the run .
Every piece of guidance shows bigtime NE heat next week along with dews. I posted weeks ago I thought July would be + 4 to +5. I think has a great shot to verify
As Scooter has been preaching . Just wait till next week and beyond. The only dewdown we really had was today and tomorrow. Otherwise basically a straight thru shot
Just calling for a lot of 90’s and high dews . It’s basically a repeat of last summer just not the rains we had . It’s just our new climate regime for summers .