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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Yup . Models showed a 1 hour let up as the mega band forms and pivots. Playing out perfectly
  2. Animate OKX radar . West is moving east and east one moving west. Pivot point
  3. The valley to the west was suckered earlier . I’m glad to see they are filling in now. The big band to the east is just entering Tolland county now and if you believe models , sits over us all day into evening
  4. Just like last storm more bad posts. You’ve got 3-4” already and might want to look out your window and radar
  5. Temp is crashing. Down to 28.1 Moderate snow Heavy band is just on the doorstep now to the east moving west.
  6. I was wondering same thing. Maybe his monitor was upside down
  7. Winds are roaring right now . Temp down to 30.0. Started wet snow, turning powdery
  8. 18.5 in Stafford Springs. If I recall there was 15-16 in Tolland but I was at my first house then
  9. That looks like massive subsidence/dryslot .Glad we weren't there
  10. Where i grew up in Vernon we had 6 inches..but there was s much as 8 in higher spots in town
  11. That's a really bad depiction of that storm. The Ct Valley itself had 6-10 depending on location. There was 16-18 ion this general area.
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