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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Both offices will be furiously updating today as next shifts come on. Not good to leave it for next shift.
  2. The one time Sipprell should be going wild and he decides to cite fast flow as the reason for a small event . He’s one of those guys that looks for things that aren’t there and makes huge events out of nothing, and when a big event is imminent he downplays it
  3. How wet will this be? Will it be a 31-32 degree paster even interior?
  4. Man we go 6-12 all of SNE Saturday now. General public gonna be WTF all over the place
  5. This is how they always evolved in the snowy years last 15 years. We expected these NW trends. This year it hasn’t happened and we’ve lost most folks. This ones coming hard
  6. As this continues backing NW and stronger each run, it’s going to force baro zone SE for Sunday night storm . Scooter won’t be able to handle the emotions when that happens
  7. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. WSW’s up tomorrow morning most of SNE
  8. ASOUT for Monday Not Runaway or WW though
  9. Sat as modeled is several inches east of the river
  10. You can see the end and the torch coming after day 10 now on the Ens . Of course all winter day 10 on never verified, but it will for Morch
  11. 2 more snowstorms Sat and Monday and then it ends
  12. Saturday turning into an all out snowstorm river east
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