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Damage In Tolland

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Posts posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Just now, Ginx snewx said:

    Yea sure

    download (39).png


    Tue into Wed...
    1025mb arctic high pres settles across new England late Mon
    into Mon night. The orientation of this high will be critical as
    isentropic lift associated with a warm front, attendant to low
    pres across the Great Lakes, which itself is associated with
    the secondary lobe of the polar vortex moving E through the
    longwave trof. Column thermal temps support a p-type of mainly
    SN to sleet to freezing rain as mid lvl warm air advects
    poleward. Noting a signal for cold air damming in the mass
    fields, supporting the risk for a wintry mix to start. Using the
    more less progressive ECMWF also proposes a risk for frontal
    wave development, which, after lower lvl warming could
    reintroduce cold air before exiting. Given the depth of the
    longwave trof, this feature also has Gulf of Mexico
    connections, suggesting higher moisture and PWATs closer to 1.00
    inches leading to high liquid values. Overall, something to
    monitor through the weekend as timing, track and secondary
    development will determine the amount of SN/PL or FZRA.
  2. 11 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

    Looks like a few snow showers north of NH border w maybe an inch in central New England 

    monday is going thru shredder 

    I beleive Wednesday will be a sloppy dusting that goes to a rainy fropa South of CNE , thou we pray for more 

    i believe our legit theat will be when Polar vortex lifts out in ...wait for it ..10 days or so 


    What are you talking about? Have you not seen the Gefs/nam/00z eps? We miss the old Pickles. Not the Pickles that is old and crotchety from banging grandmothers and seniors 

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Baroclinic Zone said:

    Are you seriously surprised?  Hell, mine was gone before midnight last night.  I came home to couple splotches in the yard.  This AM there were just couple small "snowbanks" left.

    You had a feather dusting 

  4. 42 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    The weenies want snow. I've accepted it may not be a great winter, but until I see a crap pattern look...I don't see why the shades are closed. Scooter knows when to close the shades.

    Pickles and Runway get emotional and fill the board with tear drops and it’s just a domino effect. Then MPM reads those posts and posts more tear ridden posts and Snoski who lives in the southern middle Atlantic gets upset. Etc etc. Its a never ending trickle down effect started by a few posters at 5:00 am everyday 

    • Haha 4
  5. 2 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

    Your very close to a melt

    Take off the blindfolds , it’s beautiful ...it will cleanse the world 

    What are you missing? There’s a a good storm signal . Are you just reading emotional comments from other posters on here who didn’t read models correctly ?

  6. Just now, dendrite said:

    The server could blow into a million pieces and it wouldn’t affect my blood pressure one number. The only thing putting me on full tilt is trying to get my snowblower fixed. I’ll probably get the parts and get it running 100% in time for spring. That’s how my life works.

    Do the cocks peck at your carpenters crack you while you’re working on it ? 

    • Haha 1
  7. Just now, dendrite said:

    You seem really on edge in your posting today. Like thisclose to a mega melt. We had a few Mt St Helens melts today, but I feel like yours is building up pressure for a Yellowstone supervolcano melt in a week or so if none of these “threats” pan out.

    If you ever need to talk, I’m here.

    I’m as cool as the other side of the pillow . I made peace with a N winter after we lost Dec and then most of this month. When we get another storm threat and the server slows and collapses like last week.. will you get angry like you did last week?

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