It is amazing how life generally works. And you can see it in most posters here. Most of us when we were under 40 didn’t enjoy summer and heat and dews . But there’s something about age 40 or so where you suddenly start longing for warmth and not liking the cold like you once did. You like your winters cold and snowy, but you want your seasons to perform in season. Mild to warm springs , mild to cool to ending cold falls heading into winter and HHH summers. As a 30 year old, I couldn’t fathom enjoying summer heat, but you just change and metamorphosis happens to most of us here. There’s a few older fellows that still ACATT, but they’re def few and far between and even those folks enjoy a ride on the waves or a whiskey sour on the snow mobile seat bareback on a sultry summer evening . Its fascinating to see how we evolve with age. Most of here can admit this