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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Thunder bangers with hail for Ginx on east and north today. Don’t get overly comfy by pools
  2. You guys in ENE will have billowing clouds and tstorms tomorrow pm. No cocking after 1:00 pm , you north and east as folks run indoors. But Sunday is your cocking day yes .
  3. It’s been a COC k season though. Shouldn’t be any mosquitoes
  4. 70 dews now south of pike . Wiping and wiping and still not enough
  5. Lol. Scoots with copyright infringements
  6. You notice Dryslut won’t reply directly to any of my posts, yet most of his posts he’s referring to me
  7. There’s been a good amount of muggy days in SNE . Weekends admittedly have been dry downs for sure . Although last Sunday was wet and dewy
  8. Who’s talking about this weekend? And btw June isn’t supposed to be an overly humid month. And this one has been . What will happen in the months of JAS when SST’s are up?
  9. But buying and selling cocks and hens with dews in the 60’s isn’t?
  10. We warned folks about another super humid summer after the wet spring and SE ridging. They’re still fighting it
  11. Few storms Tuesday and Wednesday from BOX .. Others saying all day rains. Let’s see how things play out . Either way no severe in sight
  12. Box has nice mainly dry warm to at times hot week. Frank one of the best . Tough to think he’ll be wrong akens allowing for rising height fields into southern New England. This should support highs well up into the 80s for much of the first part of next week /away from any localized marine influences/. There is the potential for highs to approach 90 with perhaps the best chance for that on Tue, but confidence not enough to forecast those readings. That would depend upon whether we avoid any subtle backdoor cold fronts and we see enough sunshine, which is quite uncertain this far out. While it does look like the vast majority of the time will feature dry weather, a few showers/t-storms will be possible. The main time frame of concern would be Tue into Wed when an approaching shortwave trough/frontal boundary may provide a focus for a few showers/t- storms. &&
  13. Somehow now several days of 87/72 instead of what looked like 92/65 is eating humble pie
  14. What they don’t get is they sacrifice slightly lower temps for higher dews and for more days lol. Let em
  15. That kind of post will have the usual 3 suspects thinking cool and dry . You can’t do that. It’s still warm humid ac summery wx
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