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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I thought you had milf after milf? Where’d the GF come from?
  2. With no ac in the cottage , Pony O’s stuck to azz cheeks while sleeping/ sitting
  3. It's absolutely worth it, imo...I have a heater for it, so I get at least 5 months (may-end of Sept). I have t used the heater since mid June though. It gets lots of sun and is always warm. It's a bit of work and $$$ but I love it.....especially on weekends like this Cute fam man !
  4. Yeah some hi res have some big bangers in CT after dark
  5. Yeah a few folks have been mentioning this during the week. Very mehdown and back to 90’s Friday and beyond. What a stretch since we flipped hot and often humid late June
  6. Go way back to Eastern. Maybe even on here in the earlier years
  7. You know what I mean . We argued the macs were naturally drier , less vegetation etc . Higher dews conducive to vegetation and less mixing
  8. I argued this for years on here. Will, Scooter, others ..Finally nice to see folks agree
  9. Look out in Midwest/ S Minn etc. That’s our air tomorrow. They said last time they had 80 dews was 2011. They coming
  10. 80 dews are going to be very common this weekend
  11. If deaths from the heat occur and Lord pray they don’t, most of them will occur at night with folks who can’t cool down trying to sleep
  12. River east FTW. Clear and baking already
  13. Maxon led us all astray a bit no doubt . Today’s game the HR is sexy . You can’t HR if you don’t swing . Yanks #28
  14. Can you explain that chart and exactly how and where it shows it’s too warm at BDL?
  15. It’s not HHH. It’s also sticky, moist with double the wiping with dews like that. No one is wearing suits, sitting around with legs crossed on wooden chairs in front of cameras . Ask him if he’ll be running his AC tonight or are all windows open ?
  16. You look silly calling 60’s dry. Take a break. You’ve got 115,000 posts. No one is going to catch you
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