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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Augdewst to me looks like it will come in +2.5 to as much as +3.5. That’s my call
  2. Here’s current conditions in the Moose, CT
  3. 65/65 isn’t muggy? It certainly is/was . Thick fog too. Josh was on air this morning showing the dew point map in CT and mentioned how humid it is today
  4. Yeah. Just did a super muggy 5 miler . Dew and temp 65.1/65. It’s thick getting getting thicker.
  5. Yup up onto the mid 60’s here too . Muggy summer rolls on. Sure ain’t no COC ks
  6. The ACATT’s called for cool comfy July . Instead we Julorched. Now they’re doing it for Augdewst, citing GEFs
  7. The delusion from end of June seeks like its continued as we head to Augdewst. Was hoping they’d see forest thru the trees
  8. Thanks Wizzy. Let’s hope August works out as well. Would be nice to get some severe , but it looks mainly dry next few weeks with that Bermuda high built in
  9. HFD itself or more accurately Brainard Field
  10. And just remember the folks that were calling for a COC k cool month
  11. Many days of 70+ dews with Bermuda blues. Rains up over your area
  12. Heard that end of June too. I am highly comfortable
  13. I think August ends up mega humid but not overly hot . I see big SE ridge forcing biggest heat West of EC, but a mainly Ssw flow as trough sits over Midwest .
  14. I generally always toss them. But I do post them
  15. Monday’s weeklies were hot. I’m not sure about tonight’s.
  16. Remember when the GEFs showed a cool Julorch
  17. It’s been - all summer. - NAO In summer correlates to big east coast heat . See Don S posts on your own sub forum
  18. We don’t live there on their silly maps ACATT apps west
  19. Just like he thought COC s would fly all Julorch with s central US ridging. Instead we heading for top 3 warmest and record # of 90 degree days in the month. The next 60 days are all SE ridge / dews. Not high heat , just Bermuda blue .. dog days with little rain
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