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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. That’s the dew period . Middle of next week onwards with deep sw flow EC. If only we had a cane offshore . If only
  2. 80 degree river water will do that after a summer like this. Great video
  3. Can someone explain this. I don’t get it
  4. Wednesday has spinner potential written all over it. I have to be careful now. Every time I mention it, creepy old stalker makes disturbing posts.
  5. Let’s choose HFD. Brainard. 3 or more days Monday thru Saturday of dews 65 or above
  6. I’ll go 61 or above early next week south of the pike
  7. Because you made a solid forecast. Right or wrong . This morning. Nothing more nothing less. I’m +2.5 to +3.5 SNE this month. I forecast that . Right or wrong . It’s there
  8. Right or wrong at least I make forecasts and throw myself out there either for ridicule or a good job. Most of the posters tonight patting each other’s backs rip and read model data and assume that’s how it will work out
  9. Draw your lines. You never make any forecasts. Just hide behind your mod tag and troll everyone. Make a freaking forecast
  10. Ok. Quoted for posterity . COC all week you, Dendrite and charts . Moderate dews at times me and Scoots.. GL
  11. They’re ignoring and calling for COC k rest of month . I know where my money lies
  12. Umm.. dews come back Monday. Just saying . Are we just ignoring Scooter and Mets and using charts?
  13. It popped over my hill at 990’ and slid east. Literally not a drop , but great thunder and lightning
  14. Just just got missed here as I pull in . Beast and black just to E/nE
  15. Gonna limb it and say TOL west is done . Hope very wrong
  16. You’ve been ground zero this summer with several legit severe storms . Main show is you east /NE today
  17. Not sure. If that’s the line, it’s way ahead of schedule and way east of Mesos. Unless that’s just a few renegade cells
  18. That storm on CT /MA border is already severe with wind
  19. Let’s hope this tears a few down it nothing else
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