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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Thinking 45-50 for all of SNE either with storm or after with 65-74 CC
  2. Snowy Novies seem to generally lead to good winters in SNE
  3. I see people pull over there a lot in the fall to stop and look or snap pics. That’s also a big area with blowing and drifting snow on the winter
  4. Going by a text a met sent me and maps . There’s dual lows
  5. Euro goes west of CT River now!! Yeah boyyeeee
  6. That last pic is very near me. You should have stopped by. Great shot. One of the best views in town
  7. Yes. Please hold that snow he is forecasting off until Novie 2
  8. If it was winter we’d see an inversion. The warm SST’s will allow the Lower levels of atmosphere to remain warm relatively speaking well north and west.. thus offering strong winds inland . Different story if waters were cool
  9. Not with warm SST’s unless by inkand you mean VT It is going to roar
  10. I recall that one where you gusted to 69. This one legit . 2 legit
  11. We may see the Edmund Fitzgerald scenarios but on area SNE lakes
  12. Gonna be a lot of folks wondering WTF happened when things are crashing down Wed night
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