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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Do folks realize heaviest snow is 7-12? Always been that
  2. Look who drew the map . Belk .. lol Nothing changed at all . 4-6” for most away from water. 7-8 NW Mass
  3. Let him go. Everyone else sees the potential . It’s mostly his kids not getting outside
  4. It just starts as light - mod snow. Big fluffy flakes . We 4-6”
  5. You’ve also been talking about going to rat
  6. Didn’t know anyone even used or looked at point and click ?
  7. It doesn’t not look good. That’s the thing. If it looked terrible so be it. But it doesn’t. So why you guys are melting is odd. It’s certainly more than serviceable. Great pattern... no. Decent... absolutely
  8. Maybe he wants to discuss how the cloud shield broke up and the sun is out brightly in many places?
  9. There’s vomit on Scoots sweater kids spaghetti
  10. The whole point was Scooter spends far too much time looking at and obsessing about each model run. And a deeper dive would reveal it’s because he’s worried when it’s 42 tomorrow in S Wey and the west winds melted what falls today that his kids will be trapped inside. For him, when there’s no snow and nothing to track and it’s too cold and wet and children are stuck inside... emotionally he simply cannot handle that. It stresses him out to the Nth degree.
  11. He could just look at upper air charts over flight zones. Doesn’t need to obsess over the weather that will affect his BY in S Weymouth
  12. What would happen if you just didn’t look at models for 2-3 days? Where’s the harm? Why not give it a try?
  13. In all seriousness, I think you are spending too much time looking at weather and obsessing over it. Instead of ebb and flow as eps looks good one run and not so good the next... just don’t look for a few days. Get your head clear
  14. There were def not any caveats mentioned. None. All mets were on board and sitting fat and happy. The point is the models were wrong and changed. They’ll be wrong this time and we’ll see them change again. So you stay the course, don’t melt and understand it will snow and not be +5-10 the next three weeks
  15. As modeled? So you bought the models when they showed an epic pattern.. they burned you.. now you’re buying them when they end winter. Honestly I think you look at the weather too much. Step back a bit. It’s making you super stressed out . Stay the course . No knee jerk
  16. I don’t see any reason or indications to end winter or change the forecast. Stay the course on overall wintry pattern thru Feb 20 or so.. then end it
  17. EPS offers hope for SNE as Will has been pointing out.
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