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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Lol. Tossed like a Dilf in the morning
  2. If it happens is during the Boys game?
  3. Sleet pinging off skylights woke me up several times last night.
  4. There hasn’t been. One of coldest Nov on record
  5. Why are these SE trends not helping the hills south and east? You’d think you’d at least see evidence of flakes
  6. ORH and any elevated terrain should expect it now.
  7. At least you’ll take some trees down and lose power.. so you’ve got that
  8. Your genny will humming for several days it appears. Get the gas
  9. Cars blown off bridges Into rivers as folks head to Tgiving meals.
  10. Speaking of gypsies.. this was crawling on the house today. We literally have every type of cat here. Anyone know if this is a winter moth?
  11. I would love my deck to be taken down by this, but alas there’s just no chance. 33 rains
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