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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Down to 35.4 here. She could be coming
  2. Just getting pounded with rain. Hammertime
  3. Dak May be able to . That’s their only chance . Hvy rain and 37.1 currently
  4. Boys won’t be able to run vs Pats D. Only chance they have is Dak having a great game . Zeke has been shut down several times already this season
  5. Let’s do this. Everything .. Wx and game . LFG!!
  6. There will be reports of TSSN whomever flips
  7. How we looking late month into Dec? Still good first 10 days ?
  8. Lol. Tossed like a Dilf in the morning
  9. If it happens is during the Boys game?
  10. Sleet pinging off skylights woke me up several times last night.
  11. There hasn’t been. One of coldest Nov on record
  12. Why are these SE trends not helping the hills south and east? You’d think you’d at least see evidence of flakes
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