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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. You can’t last thru the night in one adult diaper? What are you eating ?
  2. So basically it starts snowing Sunday morning and stops sometime Tuesday?
  3. I know where you live. I’m in that area all the time. It’s still not far from the sea coast
  4. I think you may see more due to east winds and proximity to ocean. Either way.. the more ice the better in my opinion. So if that were to happen , it’s a win
  5. This is looking more and more like mainly snow event anywhere NW of 95. Maybe sleet mixed in
  6. That would bring down every deck in town with 31-32 degree paste
  7. Just love these long duration snowers. Days and days of snows.
  8. Tiptoe thru yard blowing leaves into neighbors in strapless leaf pants ?
  9. Not expecting much of anything . Prob will just be wet flakes
  10. Lost in the shuffle is the flip to snow tonight in the hills with a lot of C-1” making for a white Tgiving morning. Mesos are showing this.
  11. Despite all the mets and experts pleading with the weenies not to look at the FV3 and it’s ensembles they continue to not only do that, but base their thoughts and forecasts on it. It’s insane. The good guidance stayed the course of a nice wintry event for New England with a variety of precip types
  12. It looks like a snow to ice to rain/mix to snow deal . It never was an all snow storm for SNE
  13. Who even uses or looks at the FV3? We use eps and good guidance. This never was a storm for NYC. That area is on the line all winter
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