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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I think ice gets up into ORH south and east for a time as precip lightens Monday . Big ice maybe Merritt pkwy?
  2. Regionwide foot plus save the coast seems very likely
  3. Everything has snow into Tuesday morning. Please please put the FV3 away
  4. That’s the part we are referring to. Legro was talking about. It’s legit and people will wake up WTF’d Tuesday morning when it’s still pounding
  5. These Slow moving, stacked East flow firehoses are always prolific snow producers. They don’t happen that often, but when they do go back and look at past results.
  6. Days and days and days. States shut down.. states of emergencies
  7. Why are you posting the 6z? Lol. Here’s 18z
  8. I think N CT I s in the 4-8” zone with sig ice before back to snow
  9. What it will do is give a great base of wet snow then ice then snow so our chances of a white Cmas are very good with no big warmups in Dec
  10. What are you talking about? You’re in jack . Will already told you it’s not whiffing. This gets good snows into S NH/ S VT
  11. You can’t last thru the night in one adult diaper? What are you eating ?
  12. So basically it starts snowing Sunday morning and stops sometime Tuesday?
  13. I know where you live. I’m in that area all the time. It’s still not far from the sea coast
  14. I think you may see more due to east winds and proximity to ocean. Either way.. the more ice the better in my opinion. So if that were to happen , it’s a win
  15. This is looking more and more like mainly snow event anywhere NW of 95. Maybe sleet mixed in
  16. That would bring down every deck in town with 31-32 degree paste
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