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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Hit 1.4 here this morning for the low. You must have been colder in the elevated valley .
  2. Ahh that’s it. There’s a trip up north in Morch. I knew something was there. Ginx used to do same thing before ski trips In Feb all he’d post and talk about was Maine and how snowy it looked .Makes sense now.
  3. You’ve fallen for every single one of these pump fakes to cold and snowy this winter. This ones gonna break both your ankles and leave you shoeless
  4. Good luck on a snowy cold Morch. You are falling for the head fake again. Ankle breaker
  5. 1.4 with some wind. That was a balls cold run. Body is not acclimated due to the torch winter
  6. Just focus on pooper scooping on the family room floor
  7. Unlocked and lock broken so it can’t be relocked
  8. 1937-38 There’s our cane analog. It’s coming
  9. Yup. Everything is pointing to that. Even have ridging poking up into E Canada. Nothing to stop the warmth
  10. +++++++ AO. All you need to know. You got that.. you got spring in winter . Iron clad
  11. Just throw on your bibs and then find slot thrown out of his and you’ll both happy ending
  12. When Slot waves the white flag.. we done . Even “the no voice of reason “ in Southington can’t salvage this winter
  13. Ok. But what science are you basing that on? That’s the huge thing that ruined New England winter this year
  14. If the AO drops, I’ll agree to your forecast of more snow. But massive +++ AO in Feb / Morch in the past always lead to very hot late winters and springs
  15. See 1989-90 winter and 84-85.. and AO correlation. Just see it
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