So I think this year is a perfect example of how December is a deep winter month and always was growing up. It would make me so mad seeing posts other years..”it’s only Dec 15th, wait until January” or “it’s not supposed to snow in December”. And someone would then Try to rationalize that It was early and plenty of winter left . F that. Those posts infuriated me. Winter starts in Dec and it’s supppsec to be chilly and snow . If you punt Dec , you’re left with hoping Jan and Feb work out. And if The first 12 days of Jan are punted .. you’re hoping for a good month and a half. And by Feb, Tip is already posting about taking his pants off in warm sun filled cars and driving around. And Morch snow is nothing more than stat padding. This year is exhibit A of why it’s imperative to start snowing in December. What a great start to winter we’ve had. Everyone except 2 posters up north are in great spirits. And the rest of the month looks awesome. LFG!