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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Not buying the no snow /icestorm scenario pike south . Not with how the euro looked.
  2. When did the RPM become so useless? It used to be good a few years ago
  3. In the past with -NAO they seem not to. Only when we’ve got a retreating HP, not a presser
  4. We mentioned this yesterday and someone accused of us of it being wishing for more snow in our BY
  5. Looks to me like the typical 3-6” pike south and 5-10” north . Sleet gets to about NH border. Probably not far from how it ends up
  6. The ASOS at Logan is also running warm and it’s documented. They’re about -2.0 . It’s a cold , snowy month north of your area
  7. How about we do the week between Xmas and NY? I can def do that. Just not the 27th. That way most are off of work since it’s always in BOS. Throw out some dates
  8. Lingers well into Tuesday night too. Well into
  9. Umm.. less qpf would mean less snow right?
  10. I meant I think the qpf also trends south . Meaning less up north
  11. I’m on the other end. With that cold press and high nosing, I think we see this continue the trend south
  12. What’s happening in SNE is what happened in NNE last year. They were on the right side of the line and stayed there basically the whole winter. Until January, that is how we will continue to roll.
  13. Usually you can just gloss over and ignore those acts. But in this case I think MPM really believes it. It’s gotten better organized each run
  14. Yeah it’s turning into days and days slowly
  15. Lol. I was just at that rest stop this week at Dunkin on business travels up north. Those truckers are dirty
  16. Your attitude is exactly why our nation is facing an obesity crisis
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