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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Still may have Scooters snower on the 30th
  2. BN month. AN snows. Mic drop Jan looks worrisome
  3. We were correct with December forecast. Let’s hope we are incorrect on January. See that pig up there doesn’t give me the shiver me timbers .
  4. Have been afraid of these wire to wire Jan ideas. Still think an event or two is likely , but to me Jan looks shall we say “ not good”
  5. I honestly think he started drinking prior to noon. Let’s wait till he sobers up tomorrow
  6. Scooter being Scooter and thermometer questioning fetish. Can’t control self
  7. He likes January. Has a clipper system final days of Dec and a cold, stormier first few weeks
  8. I’m not sold on this rocking wire to wire Jan being thrown around . We hope
  9. Even BN down to Isotherm’s stomping grounds.
  10. Just spent a good hour cleaning all the branches and debris knocked down. Much easier to do on top of snowcover than mud.
  11. If you follow the Norfolk dude on Twitter. It’s literally always snowing there. There’s always SOTG. Granted it desolate and rural . You have to be a person like Mitch who doesn’t like people and likes relative isolation and losing your internet and connection to society for 7-10 days at a time to live there. But if you are seeking a lot of snow and are anti society, it’s one of the best spots in New England
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