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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Ether way it’s cold. But who cares about that . Jan 20 looms
  2. It’s 3 days away. Gonna need all sorts of help to get it back
  3. Good luck on your call of it coming back
  4. Here’s exactly what we were mentioning earlier. This is why it’s missing . With a flow like that , it can’t amplify. That and a flat Rockies ridge
  5. I think even the Mets will tell you that in the morning
  6. Lol. It’s not coming back tomorrow. There’s no wiggle room. Jan 20 is a long way off
  7. Now every model is a miss. Respect those ridiculous upper air winds
  8. HRRX drops an inch interior hills NE CT after midnight. My guess is we wake up bare
  9. 01/04/20. Mets turned into weenies and weenies turned into mets I’ll always remember it
  10. Me, Ginx, Ray out on this giving us snow and Will and Scoots all in. Times sure have changed
  11. I hope it comes back , but when I saw how fast the flow was aloft early this Am on the charts, I worried a miss was possible. So far modeling confirms
  12. Wait till you lose that like the rest of us.
  13. Jackpot? Lol. As of now it’s mostly cloudy with a flurry or sprinkle
  14. I sure did. But at some point I do need to be realistic. I started seeing that fropa look yesterday . Flow is so fast aloft. This thing won’t have time to amplify until Stellwagen Bank. Look at how fast the winds aloft are today
  15. The EPS looks good posts will be flying in an hour or so , until we lose that tomorrow
  16. It’s gonna be a glorified fropa. We called it yesterday. Unreal
  17. Nam and Canadian has always been a lethal combo
  18. Options on table Fropa to a 12+ stemwinder
  19. Of course it is. Point being . Fropa is an option
  20. I asked yesterday if this could end up being a fropa. FV3 not far off
  21. It’s been there since about Dec20 . It dictates the fast flow. I think it leaves ~ Jan 20
  22. If AK is cold... there’s a pig. It’s easy
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