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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I honestly have no idea what he’s talking about. Probably just let weeds and bushes ovegrow the house
  2. I hope you’re kidding. It makes everything look pristine . There’s nothing worse than looking at landscaping that is not taken care of. What do you do in your flower beds?
  3. Been mulching all day. Gathering just you East in the conversation?
  4. You talking Coast to CT or just your coastal area?
  5. Not trying to do anything. It’s a once in a 50 year event out that way. May as well root you guys on
  6. Clouds moving in to ruin a good part of the only nice day for weeks. Shocking
  7. You to Bob to Ginx on north just pound wet baseball flakes for hours , while those to the west are partly cloudy . Hopefully Ginx loses no more fences
  8. Congrats Ginx to Scooter on north. Enjoy it!
  9. This isn’t for SNE anywhere except NW Berks. You’ll have to DILF trip it to Jackson area
  10. I would think an elevation would do better this time of year than a valley floor all things being equal . That said though, I don’t see either of us getting much from this
  11. Your anger the last couple weeks has been eye popping and noted by many . Just letting you know
  12. I just don’t understand why Ginx and others think this cold pattern won’t break in early May. Once EPO and NAO gone, it’s gone
  13. Warmer May is coming . Agree on severe chances SNE. Higher than avg likely
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