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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Onto the big winds. Stuffs coming down later in SNE
  2. He’s really been lipsticking a pig. It’s a rat there , here, savior fare is everywhere
  3. Every model now has the low riding up over CNE. Anyone south of low track is going to roar out of West. It’s even on soundings. You’ll probably regret that post
  4. Very little mention anywhere of huge wind damage signals late tomorrow. We cane
  5. When it doesn’t snow in Jan and Feb.. no .. it doesn’t
  6. Lol. I’ve never sold so much during winter in all my life. When you finally leave the weather.. you live differently, healthier, naked footloose and fancy free.
  7. Why are people still looking at models, holding onto some false hopes? It’s almost mid Feb. It over. It done
  8. Big NW winds after the ice that night took down a few . There was about .4 -.5 ice. Our hilltop is good for a few micro climate ice events a year. This ones perfect example . No ice under 800 feet
  9. Yeah one of those weird ice events wgere it gets frigid right after
  10. Trees last January. Several in the neighborhood. It preceded that big cold snap we had last Jan. Don’t recall exact date. I think mid month?
  11. Have had damaging ice the last 3 winters. Worst one was last Jan
  12. It’s literally been 31.8-32.2 all day. 32.0 now. I’m sure the way the winters gone it’ll creep to 32.9 and rot
  13. Let’s hope we get some sort of damage tonight
  14. Stayed at 32 all day here. Trees still fully iced
  15. It’s been a Torch since Dec 22. Jan was top 10 all time warmest. We have been in a torch and will continue that in Feb with higher temps due to increasing sun angle. It is over
  16. Well seeing as there’s no threats over the next 10-14 days.. at least the weather won’t stress me out
  17. I don’t think anyone is still in. If you are , get out. It’s a waste of time, causes stress and anger that you don’t need
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