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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. What’s surprising to me is Will. I mean with as unfavorable a pattern as we can get, he’s still on board for snow. He always told us if the pig sits in AK, we are toast. We’ve had 3-5” of snow since Dec. Its Feb 7th. The models blew every single pattern change, every single snow event. I’m not saying stop looking. Talk snow. But it doesn’t take a degreed Met to look at the global pattern to know SNE is out of the game
  2. You missed the point hence the whoosh. Posting here is fine and should continue. What shouldn’t is wasting time tracking snow in what is a horrendously unfavorable pattern for SNE. You’ve got a pig in Alaska, a super strong SE ridge, a massive + AO and no blocking . This setup this month is as bad as it gets. But that doesn’t mean don’t post for social interaction
  3. Where did anyone say to not post? Everyone should post . Whoosh
  4. I’m honestly not. I have checked out . If it does snow great but we’ve all wasted so much time this winter tracking rain. Not worth it
  5. You really gotta give up dude. This winter is done. Focus on yard work and things like that
  6. AWT. With best yet to come. Fronts coming thru now
  7. Absolutely roaring and 50.2 . There’s gonna be lots of damage a bit later FTW. Let’s gust 65-70!!
  8. Yes!!! I wondered if anyone would recognize that . That’s awesome
  9. It just roared thru here with rain and wind. LFG!!! Rip rip .. rip n destroy
  10. Whenever there’s reminiscing over past storms, we know it’s over
  11. Onto the big winds. Stuffs coming down later in SNE
  12. He’s really been lipsticking a pig. It’s a rat there , here, savior fare is everywhere
  13. Every model now has the low riding up over CNE. Anyone south of low track is going to roar out of West. It’s even on soundings. You’ll probably regret that post
  14. Very little mention anywhere of huge wind damage signals late tomorrow. We cane
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