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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Ok. But what science are you basing that on? That’s the huge thing that ruined New England winter this year
  2. If the AO drops, I’ll agree to your forecast of more snow. But massive +++ AO in Feb / Morch in the past always lead to very hot late winters and springs
  3. See 1989-90 winter and 84-85.. and AO correlation. Just see it
  4. Some pipe dreams going on today with that ++++++ AO
  5. He’s a good met. There’s other reasons personally that he’s not so good about
  6. Will has told us many times Noyes taught him all about the models in the wx lab. And Noyes winter forecast was mild . And he did develop that model.. or so he says
  7. He trained Will at Cornell and pretty good met. NECN Boston. He’s had a good winter. One of few mets that has been mild all winter in forecasts . Scooter likes him. He also has an in house model he developed
  8. An inch of glop. Still Zr. Only distract in entire state with a delay
  9. I’m not worried about BL( Popenotright) . My concern is mid levels. I think it’s an instant sleet to then zr profile south of pike with elevation
  10. Here’s why the board has become a place to avoid . Winter ended officially Dec 22
  11. We all should have known better than to invest in winter. Lesson learned
  12. I don’t count 30 minutes that coats the ground. I think it just continues trending warmer today. Winter trends repeat.
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