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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Yes. Sand is as bad if not worse environmentally than salt. There’s a reason why even 25 years ago NY state only used salt
  2. The funny thing though when they used to use it in CT , it was red clay sand. And cars kicked it off to side I feuss and / or they’d be dumping it during storms and come along and plow it right off . I never understood that . And then there’s the whole street sweep cleanup of it in spring.
  3. I knew it helped.l with traction. But I thought most got away from sand due to the environment issues it causes.
  4. Yes I cover all 6 states.Have an account in Fort Kent I’ll never get to
  5. CT stopped sand years ago. I forgot how much I hated it. It’s on every back road, every company ,every college I went to. Sand as far as eye can see
  6. Only pack I saw was Dixmont . Would love to but heading to Goodfire Brewing now. Staying in Portland tonight
  7. What’s with all the sand they dump everywhere here? There’s sand ground blizzards today . Face a scar pelted numerous times. I didn’t think anyone used sand anymore due to the environment. It’s everywhere
  8. At Unity College. Came from Husson. Was on 202 west. I can guarantee Dixmont does well based on the topography and orientation . Gotta be a weenie spot
  9. I bet the town of Dixmont , ME does well with snow. Driving thru
  10. You’ve probably seen last snowfall over 1” Was it dark at 3:00 PM when it was 57?
  11. Why post a pic from Feb 29? Why not from today? It almost gone
  12. Instead they tracked snowstorms and mocked
  13. I’m 9 miles south of Bangor and there is none except shaded
  14. Car reading 58-60 all the way up into Bangor lol
  15. Persistence forecasting. A real phenomenon unfortunately.
  16. You’d be rain with light precipitation
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