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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. That’s what Will, Ray others have had. Hope. That’s dangerous
  2. Only if you bought into it and thought it had a chance. If you didn’t and didn’t track every model run, it wasn’t
  3. This wasn’t a tease. Other than a few who don’t think persistence was the was way to go after Jan, most didn’t think this had a chance other than maybe a graze .
  4. You know me and my years. That was it I guess . I thought 81 was the bitter Nov and Dec and then it ended . Like this winter which was a bit warmer those 2 months
  5. Ginx mentioned it way back in Jan and was tossed on here. It was close.
  6. Even though it was largely tossed.. the 1981analog worked out almost perfectly.
  7. There’s been no legit windows or opp since mid Jan.There hasnt been anything over the last days with a chance unless one was hanging onto a hope . And there’s certainly zero chance rest of month. Glad to see everyone finally moving on
  8. Mitch was posting and tweeting that he had 2-3 months ago f snowpack as late as last week. We told him late Morch. We tried to tell em and warn em
  9. A few of us recognized late Jan it was over. Pattern persistence. Warm breeds warm. We sister 2012
  10. Oh we had that to a much less severity in CT. Schools were closed 2 days in town from trees and poles down. That was that massive screamer. How strong were the winds up here?
  11. Anyone know what storm blew down thousands of trees between Portland and Augusta? Not recent as the wood isn’t fresh. But along 295 Theres thousands of dead ones blown down. Was it that big blow a few years ago?
  12. I too am a migraine sufferer since 16. We’ve discussed before, but they are dehabilitating.
  13. I have 2 a night weekdays and 3 sometimes more depending on functions weekends. Still get up to run. The secret is early bedtimes and exercise along with healthy eating . For me , going to bed early my whole life has served me well. I’m a total morning person but wilt by 8:30 PM. I know that doesn’t work for everyone, though I do believe you can train oneself to early to sleep early to rise
  14. I’ve been to all those but tonight was first at Sebago. Had a smoking bartender which made it even better. I bought 2 cases total of beers at various breweries I stopped at. Some for me, some for friends . Came back and just did 90 minutes of work from hotel . Walked down to Marriott AC bar and there was one heffer and one dude. So I quickly circled and came back to room. Gonna call it a night. It’s been a fun, but long couple of days of driving, meetings, sales , and beers . 3 more tomorrow in Portland then home
  15. Dude.. if I lived here.. I’d be broke, fat and liver less. The amount of good beer here is sick. This place was 2 minute walk from hotel. It’s valet only parking, so I didn’t have a choice really but to walk and eat. Cool place here
  16. Is it just a cost thing? It just seems with the $$$ Stowe has and generates, the last place that should be using sand is them. That’s mind boggling. I recall as a kid , I grew up in Vernon on a cul de sac. My dad hated the sand they’d dump and would go out with a broom, shovel and wheelbarrow and clean up the whole thing. I guess it’s no shock why I’m so OCD. I just cannot stand the sand and grit getting inside the vehicles, on the mats, staining shoes . I shake out the mats every time I get in. I just couldn’t believe they were still using it so extensively up here. I’m in Portland now at Sebago brewing after checking into hotel and I don’t see any sand here .
  17. I saw those towers up there. I googled and it looks like they’re about 1300’. Just driving thru there seeing the topography and East/west facing hills I could tell that’s a weenie spot
  18. Yes. Sand is as bad if not worse environmentally than salt. There’s a reason why even 25 years ago NY state only used salt
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