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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I saw green grass. High off tick medication ?
  2. Some green there, but nuclear crater in Holliston ?
  3. I knew ACATT would chime in to disagree lol
  4. So much in bloom. Lawns all bursting green. All forsythia out , lilacs and many shuns and all woody underbrush all with tiny green leaves. Let’s see who in SNE disagrees , cuz it’s everywhere
  5. Pretty much AWT. Sun and 55 by noon and a few pop up showers PM. Not terrible
  6. Ice out on Winni on Morch 27 lol. I feel like it’s been May other years
  7. Bikini top off or one strap hanging loose?
  8. Will you lay out on your stomach and tan the nape and upper back?
  9. From Stafford to here in NE hills it was about 2” difference . Lower spots he verbally were 1-1.8”
  10. Thankfully we don’t use them . How does EPS look?
  11. Maybe small hailers. Sun and 55 by noon with pop ups PM. Could be a hell of a lot worse with onshore flow
  12. You’d suffer .. SnE ok with W flow. It’s the FV3 anyway . So we know how that goes
  13. That’s nice dry NW flow. 55-60 by day 30/40 at night
  14. Watch the positives come back up some the last 7 days . Next week is warm
  15. +3.8” 31.4 YTD . That’s a wrap and that’s a rat
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