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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Watch our for spinners tonight on warm front. Signal is there
  2. That’s why we don’t use or look at FV3.. for anything.... ever
  3. It has 80-100mph gusts . While my heart says yes please , my mind says too high
  4. I’m going to just sit back and watch as things unfold . No sense going back and forth. I like my forecasts of 50-60 statewide with higher in any severe. I’ll just leave it there and that’ll do it
  5. That was yesterday’s first guess. It’s different now lol . Verification will be fun. That’s for sure
  6. Let em go. They’re jealous, they troll. That’s how it works . Ryan is discussing this statewide . They know that
  7. Except he’s talking about the whole state. Lol. Sorry this ones not for you or Scooter. You’ll get one at some point fella
  8. Ryan is on Fire this morning on Twitter . Crushing it like another Aaron Judge HR!
  9. Surprised Wiz hasn’t picked up on it but Ryan and Scooter were discussing spinner threat tonight on the warm front with a huge UHI spike .
  10. Sorry to ruin the no wind Debbie downer posts that have been going on, but this is what is reality
  11. I’m curious. What’s your wind forecast for CT?
  12. It’s transitioning to ET. Will be totally ET and is phasing with the trough. You’ll be wishing you didn’t make these posts lol
  13. Go back and check . I’ve been on this tracking west with wind being the issue. I said rain would be well west and that was not a threat . While a couple mets said this would trend East and would be no wind . We tried to tell em.
  14. Too bad you spiked so early Saturday. Now you gotta go down with that ship.
  15. Agree. I think 50-60mph will be achieved all of CT with ease and you’ll get some 70 mph gusts in severe cells
  16. It’s never going to look pretty . It’s transitioning. All about the phase
  17. LFG!!!!!! THREAT TO LIFE AND PROPERTY THAT INCLUDES TYPICAL FORECAST UNCERTAINTY IN TRACK, SIZE AND INTENSITY: Potential for wind 58 to 73 mph - PLAN: Plan for dangerous wind of equivalent strong tropical storm force. - PREPARE: Remaining efforts to protect life and property should be completed as soon as possible. Prepare for significant wind damage. - ACT: Move to safe shelter before the wind becomes hazardous. - POTENTIAL IMPACTS: Significant - Some damage to roofing and siding materials, along with damage to porches, awnings, carports, and sheds. A few buildings experiencing window, door, and garage door failures. Mobile homes damaged, especially if unanchored. Unsecured lightweight objects become dangerous projectiles. - Several large trees snapped or uprooted, but with greater numbers in places where trees are shallow rooted. Several fences and roadway signs blown over. - Some roads impassable from large debris, and more within urban or heavily wooded places. A few bridges, causeways, and access routes impassable. - Scattered power and communications outages, but more prevalent in areas with above ground lines.
  18. You’ve been sold the Ukie. Own it and enjoy its rewards for buying.
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