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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Here’s what it used to look like. Stein crushed it this summer. It kills me
  2. United we stand with dead lawns That’s the first time in 15 years here that’s scorched out from Stein. I had to reseed large areas out front today from Steins work . Soul, seed and now daily watering with no rain in sight. MPM and Will think there no drought and it’s funny. When people’s 50foot + wells are drying up.. it’s a serious problem
  3. You’ll do fine. Mild winters mean you and Alex score. SNE is Foc’d. I’ve never seen We at EMasswx so down on a winter this early
  4. For those that are stressed about the unknowns of what the next few months hold , or those stressed about a mild, dry winter coming.. this is a fantastic pick me up song. At the end, you’ll feel like things are ok. It’s got that effect especially right at the end.
  5. Every single sign points to mild, dry winter. Good luck on that one
  6. The ULL I’m referring to was right after the 4th
  7. The woods and hillsides around here are filled with these early changing leaves.. mainly this species and the maples due to stress. I’ve never seen these things go so early. They actually stated during the last week of August. Anyone know what type of tree?
  8. I think any of us would take that over this severe drought with everything dying and wells drying up. Jesus H
  9. I guess a few folks don’t know what normals are now in mid Sept? Seems that way
  10. Stein has really dug his heels deep with a firm stranglehold now. Every single wet pattern this summer except for that first week of July has failed miserably.
  11. Man what a torch . Spent several hours in hot sun in front yard reseeding areas where Droughtstein killed this summer. Just dripping sweat. Of course with Stein with us for the next few months it’ll mean constant watering to keep it growing into Octorcher
  12. Other than Napril.. worst month of year. Brutal for weather lovers
  13. Who had 7” in June? June was the month most of us went 16 days straight no rain and everything torched for good
  14. Nope. The end of week soaker vanished. Pig HP noses down and suppresses to Mid Atlantic
  15. Yes the drought is very real in N and NE CT and I know posters were asking for links.. wells are going quickly
  16. There’s def many many man buns buried underneath those floors. VT is known for guys that kill and bury
  17. We’ll see that continue with the WAR expanding west each run and the PiG to the north. No escape
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