100% agree though I’d be back running in a week or two tops. I would wear a mask in your presence if you feel more comfortable. I leave it up to the individuals. For example, my wife’s 88 yr old father is in the Cape with all the kids, families, cousins. Youngest 13, oldest 22. He had no fears and does not want us to wear a mask. I saw both my parents many times over the last 30-45 days and no one wore masks. Both well into their 70’s.But if they wanted us to, we would have . The first few months we stayed away, never saw them and made sure all were safe. As society has figured this thing out and gotten past the initial scare and subsequent and still ongoing scare tactics, we can live life as normal as is possible given the conditions. I’m not out to put anyone’s health in danger or make them scared. If they feel that way, we mask . I always ask. What our family will not do is live life scared