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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I am probably too far north. Possibly by as little as a few miles
  2. https://x.com/ericfisher/status/1806106889320595650?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  3. Daughters at Zach Bryan concert at Gillette and they have shelter in place. Joe bout you look at radar dummies?
  4. Hopefully that bodes well for us in CT South of the convergence zone , unstable and moist with good lapse rates and remnant EML
  5. That is one monster train along pike . Good Lord . Some towns will see 3-6” tonight short order
  6. So root for a PDS storm here please
  7. I’m not counting on anything her perse’ , but tonight’s setup is going to hit some areas very hard . Remnant EML’s always deliver
  8. It’s a beeline NE right towards you in S Wey. Cells firing NE of me heading your way
  9. It’s that landphoon look we discussed yesterday
  10. Train running thru S Wey . Back building . Thats a few inches of rain
  11. You can see derecho taking shape now from NY/PA border south and pivoting NE
  12. Ryan is Hammertime for all of CT. We go by him
  13. Hammer is super excited and amped up for these on air.
  14. We know the drill with these. Some towns lose half their trees and roofs and some are left asking . “What storm”?
  15. Do you do a cackling laugh like this as you drop the trees?
  16. I was wondering who would post some Big uns
  17. Entire forest blowdowns certainly possible.
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