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About bearman

  • Birthday October 12

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    West Knoxville
  • Interests
    Weather Tech Spirituality Beer Fishing

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  1. There just never seems to be any consistency.
  2. Anybody in the Knoxville area. We are coming in from FL on a flight this afternoon and was wondering how much Knoxville Got. Any Reports there?
  3. Don't know why anyone would expect anything different it almost always happens. it seems. Lucy always pulls to ball out of the way before its kicked.
  4. This is always a good look when MRX refuses to include the southern Valley but north Ga is included so everyone is colored in on the map with a hole for the southern valley. It looks very strange on a map.
  5. MRX keeps knocking back the totals they see for the valley. Did have knoxville at 6 to 8 inches. now just 2 to 3. With the dryness that we have had this does not seem to be much of a deal. .
  6. Here in West Knoxville my temp has dropped fast. Even under cloud cover I went from 51 to 42 in the last 3 hours. Don't know if it will be enough but I am surprised. I am sure north of us and with a little elevation things should stick with any rates.
  7. Just had 30 dBZ returns pass over the house and nothing falling. I am just a 1020 feet. Got some dry air.
  8. This is the craziest thing I have ever seen, There is a snow hurricane in Pensacola Beach. There is also even heavier returns out in the gulf about to come ashore. https://hiltonpensacolabeach.com/beach-cam/. If you look close you can see the resort pools are starting to freeze over.
  9. Here is one more link. Bourbon St New Orleans. Incredible! https://www.earthcam.com/usa/louisiana/neworleans/bourbonstreet/?cam=bourbonstreet#google_vignette
  10. https://www.brproud.com/news/local-news/east-baton-rouge-parish/skycam-tracks-snowfall-in-east-baton-rouge-parish/ here is a live link Almost zero visibility. Click on and wait a few seconds will come up at top of page.
  11. This is just Historic Blizzard warnings on the gulf coast.
  12. Our ground has turned white here in West Knoxville and the roads are getting a white glaze on them. If Temps drop fast and this continues much longer there will be problems. Snowing harder now than I have seen it all day.
  13. Just went through Sevierville and they have around 2 inches on the ground in the downtown area. Roads are starting to get icy and snow covered. Coming down good at the moment.
  14. We have switched to all snow in West Knoxville Temp is now down to 33 at my house and we have a light dusting. It is coming down at a good clip.
  15. Send some of that down in the valley. Sometimes that happens when we get these Arctic fronts. Oh Never mind. It is here in the form of a hard sleet shower. If we can keep the moisture we are now in business.
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