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Everything posted by MJOatleast7

  1. No creepy remains showing up at the bottom of the Quabbin?
  2. Contrary to what it looks like, someone IS actually in charge of this upcoming period and ultimately answerable for keeping it on track:
  3. Yeah’ hopefully it’s enough to prevent a 955 low from curling up onto Hudson’d Bay and spinning there for 3 days…mixing out/eating up all the cold reservoir up there…setting up our post-12/28 thaw… .
  4. I was that way at Thanksgiving about 8-10 years ago. Comet ISON was due to pass close to the Sun (less than a million miles) that day and be the brightest comet ever a couple of days later. Instead, it completely disintegrated when closest to the Sun. I was inconsolable and not much fun to be around during T day. Astro geek instead of weather geek, but yeah, same idea. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Which would be drizzle for us in BOS. How exciting.
  6. All that chaos and then a subtropical system in the central Atlantic. Gotta wonder ifTHAT can be a player too, torquing the flow into a 50/50 low or something like that. Right now it's too far east and only temporary.
  7. Looks like crazy velocity though - whatever forms should be quick hitting
  8. Hurricane hunter report seemed to coincide with the RI that happened just before landfall. The observer said it was more lightning than he’d ever seen in his career as a hurricane hunter. Sounds like the plane passed near or through a hot tower accompanying the RI. Would love to see the data from that pass. .
  9. Check out the outflow boundary (4:07 pm) on a sagging ORH-OWD line.
  10. Breakwater Beach n Brewster,man...over a mile of exposed sand at low tide, completely covered over at high tide. That's a lot of sun-baked real estate to warm the incoming water. It's a wonder we don't get tidal bores there like in Nova Scotia.
  11. Gee I hope we get a High Sierra scenario, where the first precip event of fall is snow. [emoji1] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. It also depends how deep the warm layer is...If it's 80F through 200' of depth that's a lot better for maintaining TC strength than if it's, say, only 40-50' deep. Although since systems are usually trucking along at MA/SNE latitudes I don't really know if upwelling would still able to affect the storm as it passed.
  13. Amazing seabreeze front at York Beach, ME today…ran into it coming back from Nubble light at Sohier park(73F) to 83 at the end of Nubble Rd 0.8 mile later, then 95 at the south end of Long Sands Beach. All within less than 2.5 miles. Earlier the front had been about 2 miles back from the coast but then bumped eastward to the beach about 6 pm. .
  14. Nice seabereeze at Nubble Light in York, ME. 78 this afternoon. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Since August 2002? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Lack of soil moisture definitely plays a part, though. I don’t have any hard data, but I’m sure soil moisture is way down in the 20th percentile or so region wide. All the sun’s energy can go into heating the ground, and by extension the air, when there’s no water to evaporate. .
  17. So...will this veer NW to Greenland and flash-melt a billion tons of ice in one day, like in 2019?
  18. I mean, 35C at 850 has been in the higher country in the western parts of all those states but not at the lower elev's farther east. There we can better apply the 15-16C add-on to 850s rule for extrapolating to the surface and we get Khorramshahr oilfield heat
  19. Armageddon and Deep Impact combined as one. .
  20. November 2001 was the Leonid meteor storm. One every several seconds just before dawn…in fact, some visible even in morning twilight, Several of us from the Museum of Science Planetarium (where Ibstill work) drove to the top of Pack Monadnock to see it. There were also sub-storm (but much more active than typical Leonid activity) showers in Nov. 1999 and 2000. There were end-of the world calibre storms from the Leonids also in 1833 and 1897. .
  21. Lower min temps as well as lower dew points sometimes too? .
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