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Everything posted by a5ehren

  1. Hurricane as of the 0500 AST advisory: HURRICANE LARRY (noaa.gov)
  2. This is more like it. Gimme a big pretty fish cane over a GOM basher any day.
  3. If you care enough about radar to be on AmWx, you just need to go pay the $10 for RadarScope. Worth every penny.
  4. Couplet appears to be getting weaker, thankfully. Hopefully it lifts soon.
  5. Was just coming to talk about this. CC ball heading towards Midtown ATL.
  6. Yeah a “weak tornado” sounding at 8am is not a good sign.
  7. Two very distinct rotation couplets in that MS storm. The cell to the west of that one is spinning a broad meso, too.
  8. Yeah, some of the Twitter mets people on here hug constantly are rarely right and don't say anything people on here aren't saying. It's model hugging as entertainment instead of actual forecasting.
  9. I am extremely ready for a pattern change. Hopefully sally doesn’t dump too much rain.
  10. 948mb fish is fine by me. That would get some pretty satellite pictures if it verified.
  11. To close the topic, NHC has issued their final advisory on Marco: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2020/al14/al142020.discus.021.shtml?
  12. https://www.spc.noaa.gov/misc/SPC_probotlk_info.html Yeah, 60% hatched to go HIGH for wind. 30% hatched for HIGH on tornadoes.
  13. I would expect some geographical shifts (MDT extended west, maybe a hatched area for winds added somewhere?), but can't see a HIGH justified from the new runs in the last 12 hours.
  14. Spann has a different job than being technically correct on minor details that only weenies care about. He can’t just casually invoke 4/27/11 because people will flip their lids. He is absolutely right to phrase things the way he did, and I can’t imagine any reason why arguing semantics is worth the time for either of you.
  15. Flakes in Dunwoody now. Much prettier than the flizzard yesterday.
  16. Having to have a CAD event just to get back down to average-ish for a few days is pretty annoying though.
  17. I haven't seen <60 since April. Beyond excited for summer to finally be over.
  18. I'm going this weekend and it's going to be like 85. Ideal fest temp is about 65, IMO.
  19. FWIW, this is the exact same pattern we had around ATL this afternoon. The snow will come back in a few hours.
  20. An inch in CoA would mean you did pretty well. Pretty low chance of getting more than that.
  21. And a corollary to that: if any model or person says "no p-type issues, plenty of cold", they're just wrong. Totally wrong, every time.
  22. I'd generally agree with this, as a GT grad student (engineering, not meteo - my interest here is purely as a hobbyist). If you have the resume to get in to AE from out-of-state, you should probably go with AE and not meteorology (it's under the Earth/Atmospheric Science department here). The "pure" science programs here (especially in undergrad) tend to play second fiddle to the engineering programs. If you are interested in meteorology, you can still get a minor in EAS while getting an AE degree. If you combine that with the right internships, you would probably be able to land jobs at NOAA or JPL (or their contractors) that a lot of EAS majors would kill for.
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